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Aiden Blessing

D.A.R.E. Essay

           Most people think that teens drink alcohol. However most of them really don’t. The reason I did this essay is to tell others about alcohol, tobacco, and strategies to get out of problems. Whenever I am faced in these types of situations, I will remember to use these strategies.


         There are bad consequences and effects of alcohol. There are over 75,000 deaths in the United States because of alcohol. Alcohol affects teens more than adults because teen’s bodies are still growing. Alcohol goes directly to the bloodstream and can damage every organ in your body. Some effects of alcohol includes loss of self control, memory loss, and slow reflexes. Alcohol can also affect your brain and body. Too much alcohol can cause a coma or even death.


                    I would never use tobacco because of its negative effects. In the United States, it is illegal to sell tobacco to anyone under the age of 18 or 19 in some states. There are more than 200 known harmful chemicals in tobacco. More than 400,000 people die in the United States because of tobacco. One effect of tobacco is it can yellow your teeth and cause bad breath. Tobacco can also cause dry skin and wrinkles. If you’re not careful, it can cause heart disease and lung cancer.


                      With the five resistance strategies, I can stay away from drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. The first resistance strategy is to change the subject to something else. The second strategy is to  give an excuse to get out of the problem. The third is to say no and just walk away. The fourth is to have friends that are nonusers or walk with nonusers

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