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`The Shawnee

Did you know that there are about 15,000 Shawnee Native Americans still living United States.During this time, they lived much differently than they do today.One can learn about how they used to live by looking at where they were located, how they met their basic needs, and their culture.


     First, the Shawnee’s geography and location is very unique and very important to their way of life! Most of them liked to move around unlike other tribes.The Shawnee lived in different places including Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. This land had a lot of trees which was good for building because of an abundance wood. The water sources they lived near was Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.


     Second, the Shawnee met their basic needs in outstanding ways. They lived in houses called Wigwams these were made out of a frame of poles with bark covering them with animal skin for a roof. Foods such as corn, squash, berries, maple sugar, and stew were staples of the Shawnee. The men and women of the tribe wore different things. The men wore leggings made from deer hide. The woman wore leggings and skirts made from deer hide


     Last, Shawnee customs were some of the coolest things ever. The Shawnee believed that the universe was made by a supreme being named Our Grandmother. Traditions were often celebrated by dance and song. The Shawnee also decorated their things with beads.

The Shawnee is  a really fun and unique tribe. They lived in many different locations, met their basic needs in awesome ways, and had fascinating beliefs and culture. I hope one day the Shawnee can live how they used to.




Sophia K. "" Shawnee clothing. Ed. Sophia K. 5 Oct. 2011. Web. 5 Oct. 2011

Flanagan, Alice K. The Shawnee. New York CIty, United States: Alice K Flanagan, 1998. Print.

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